During the Vienna Biennale, the Munich Science & Fiction Festival – art and science, together with its friends from Linz, beamed into the year 2047 to animate the harbour town of Turnton for an extended period of time.
A ‘physical narrative’ by the artist collective Time’s up in which we were allowed to contribute storytelling, design and the galactic thunder gurgles. The future lies at the port of a city that has so far overcome the climate crisis.
So long, and thanks for all the fish!
Ronit Wolf (Veranstalterin)
Münchner Science & Fiction Festival – art and science e.V.
Gotzingerstr. 48
81371 Munich
+49 0151 22701775
Ronit (at) ronitwolf.com
Münchner Science & Fiction Festival – art and science e.V.
Stadtsparkasse München
IBAN: DE26 7015 0000 1005 5975 37