



SCIENCE-SUMMER 20.-24.08.2020 
OPEN AIR · DEUTSCHES MUSEUM - In the inner courtyard

  • The 'darn seventh year'!

    And for the 7th time the interdisciplinary Munich Science & Fiction Festival - artand science will present its platform of future caretakers, scientists, artists, utopians and aliens in a Corona-compatible mini version in the inner courtyard of the Deutsches Museum.This time with an open-air premiere in the open air, a virtual reality tent in cooperation with the Technical University in Nuremberg and many 'freelance' artists who interact with our museum visitors.

    BABY VISION 20. & 21.8.2020

    An audiovisual simulation of the 1st year of life Experience the world as a baby sees it. Immerse yourself in the virtual simulation of a newborn baby. On the basis of a 360° video you experience the audiovisual development of a person in the first year of life. What is it like to be in the mother's womb? What is it like to sit in a shopping trolley and see the huge supermarket? Discover the world anew in a much smaller body. The senses of a human being develop rapidly until the 12th month. With the help of a 360° video we make a simulation possible in which the cognitive development of a human being can be simulated audiovisually until the 12th month. By Shila Rastizadeh ( ) + Joseph Lanzinger (


    A multimedia intermezzo for influencing consciousness. In this virtual reality the audiovisual stimuli of the human being are consciously influenced. Can different sounds, different emotions be triggered in the body? This is the question Melih Kor and Shila Rastizadeh have asked themselves. By means of frequencies and visual impressions a pleasant relaxation and deceleration is achieved. Melih Kor is a music producer and visual artist, who deals with CGI, interaction design and tries to expand consciousness through different media. By Melih Kor ( and Shila Rastizadeh

    BIMVIP 24.08.2020

    Interdisciplinary research at the TH Nürnberg, which enables blind and visually impaired people to virtually walk through unknown buildings. Due to existing contacts and research competences within the Nuremberg University of Technology, committed employees and professors of the faculties of Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Architecture and Design as well as the Institute of Energy and Buildings have joined forces for the interdisciplinary research project BIMVIP (Building Information Modeling for Visually Impaired People). In this project, funded by LEONARDO - Center for Creativity and Innovation, unknown buildings are to be made accessible to blind and visually impaired people by means of Virtual Reality (VR). The safe and independent exploration of these buildings in reality without a seeing companion* is a major hurdle. An example of this was demonstrated in the new building currently under construction for the Information Centre of the TH Nürnberg using a 3D model that can be virtually walked through.

  • BESIDES: VON 12h-17h freier EINTRITT zu allen genannten Shows

    ... you will find the following 'free running participating artists' on the area of the Deutsches Museum: Phyllis Josefine with her work: "What is the opposite of ambivalence" dvdv's XR project experiments with the texture of clothing, which is digitally revived and reinterpreted through reflective symbols and paintings.Animated by exposure, the surfaces of clothing experience a new virtual radiation through augmented reality; a new shell. - partly through the wearers, and partly through the music of her unreleased album - What is the opposite of ambivalence. (

  • Balancing act
    Idea and concept: Stefanie Petz Concept & Organization – Thomas Schmelzer.
    This interactive study deals with the questions and answers around the body’s own centre, based on forces, forms and body specific characteristics. In this way we approach a concept of balance and always see our work as part of an endless study of open and personal questions.


  • Marcus Morba with the Space-Tiki hub of the Munich Science & Fiction Festival ‘Show it 360


  • Julia Bugram – (Vienna) The queen ant appears with her extraterrestrial ant colony for the invasion of general world domination.

And where will the great Festival Nummero 7 take place this year?


The invisible takes up a lot of space, …take dark matter, ideas, methane or other scents and dreams. One of these dreams has been transforming its physical state since the beginning of Juno:

Our festival has found a new home – the dream island of the city!

We will be guests at the Deutsches Museum from 20 to 24 August