18:00 @Ehrensaal
Constantly running projection mapping on the physicists’ heads of Luminous Delusion
18:45 @Ehrensaal
Sci-fi opera arias medley by opera singers Trio: Tritonus X (Theresa Hurka & Annika Hartmann).
The opera singers perform a medley of well-known science fiction symphonies.
19:30 - 00:00 @Ort
The forgotten betting show from a parallel universe hosted by Fabian Maria Bürkin.
We show shows that no longer exist in our timeline and superlative betting with: Friedemann Brenneis – Is there still money in the future?, Christopher Stewens comes for his live performance from three different eras; Jeremias Heppeler talks about prostheses in the future and how we can improve our lives. With Julia Ertl, an artificial intelligence performs ‘LIVE’. Petr Rice composes live space music and Benjamin Mirwald explains dark matter as an astrophysicist! Moderated by Fabian Maria Bürkin; the music comes from the experimental rock-impro band C.O.R.N from Graz.
00:00 Midnight @ outdoor balcony from the Ehrensaal
00:00 @Ort
Band plays until the end.
Ronit Wolf (Veranstalterin)
Münchner Science & Fiction Festival – art and science e.V.
Gotzingerstr. 48
81371 Munich
+49 0151 22701775
Ronit (at) ronitwolf.com
Münchner Science & Fiction Festival – art and science e.V.
Stadtsparkasse München
IBAN: DE26 7015 0000 1005 5975 37