Dear star riders

  • Beram in!

    Dear star riders ...And welcome aboard - As a festival community and human and extraterrestrial exchange, this platform has been materialising for almost 10 years now! Whoo-hoo! Sure, - compared to the age of e.g. Jupiter, a giant turtle or our galaxy, that's more like an oxygen bubble in your cool drink!

Nevertheless, we like to remember the moment in 2013 when our festival, as the first in Munich, brought together science, science fiction and art – and thus found its initial ignition! Since then, we have been acting as an impulse generator in the whimsical city of Munich.
This platform will continue to exist as a creative agency and community. Simply get in touch for cooperation and projects! Da unsere Gründerin und Organisator jedoch in viele weitere Projekte verstrickt ist, wird es speziell das real existierende ‘Festival’ in nächster Zukunft nur noch als Sci-fi-Salon und online Community geben. Updates erreichen Euch auch HIER!

If you would like to continue working with us, please send your subspace messages to:
We thank you from our deeply love-programmed, mechanical heart, which continues to beat to the beat of the fleeing galaxies…or something like that….

Stardust greetings to you & End of subspace message;

  • The Galactic Federation Crew & Ronit Wolf


Superbloom Festival Co-Op

Aliens inside Grandma


    director, design, animation: Liina Luomajoki, Marthe Verschaeve & Molly Weeden | sound design: Marthe Verschaeve & Molly Weeden | music: Seraphin Basedau / voice: Helen Dahinden

Sci-Fi -Salons

Regular, irregular sci-fi salons at exciting changing locations. Be ready for future-finetunings!


Ronit Wolf (Veranstalterin)
Münchner Science & Fiction Festival – art and science e.V.
Gotzingerstr. 48
81371 Munich

+49 0151 22701775
Ronit (at)


Münchner Science & Fiction Festival – art and science e.V.

Stadtsparkasse München
IBAN: DE26 7015 0000 1005 5975 37